Anand Krishnan
Anand is a DST-INSPIRE Faculty at IISER Pune. His research interests include birds, bats, and bioacoustics. He also conducts interdisciplinary studies on bird sensory signals.

Ashwin Viswanathan
Ashwin’s research interests include plant-animal interactions and citizen science. He enjoys working with birdwatchers and naturalists to build and disseminate scientific knowledge about birds and other wildlife.

Mousumi Ghosh
Mousumi studied the evolutionary and ecological correlates of the breeding distribution of Himalayan leaf warblers for her doctoral research. Presently, she is working as a postdoctoral fellow using novel genomic tools for the conservation of critically endangered Gyps vultures.

Suhel Quader
Suhel’s main interest is in engaging with the larger public in better understanding the natural world and how it is changing. His training is in the field of animal behaviour and evolutionary ecology. He has studied various aspects of animal behaviour: flocking in Cinereous Tits, mate choice in Baya Weavers, and brood parasitism by Koels on Crows.

Umesh Srinivasan
Umesh studies how bird communities and populations respond to climate change and forest degradation in the Himalayas. He is also closely involved in working with tribal communities and the Forest Department in Arunachal Pradesh to conserve rare and rangerestricted species, including the critically endangered Bugun Liocichla.

V. V. Robin
Robin’s research interests broadly cover patterns and processes in ecology, behavioural ecology, biogeography and evolutionary ecology. He hopes that his research contributes to conservation initiatives. He is interested in conservation initiatives involving multiple stakeholders and also in collaborative research initiatives.