Directory of Ornithologists

This is a directory of independent/established researchers on birds. It is not a comprehensive listing of those who study birds in India; rather it is currently focussed on those who head labs or groups that help train young people by accepting them as volunteers, interns, Masters students, PhD students, and so on. This directory will be most useful for those seeking such training.

If you are an ornithologist with a lab or group that accepts interns, Masters students, PhD students, etc, and would like to add your name to the directory, please write to [email protected]

Showing 1 - 20 of 41
Ahmad Masood Khan
"My research focuses on avian species' ecology, conservation, and biodiversity in various habitats. I study t […]
Anant Pande
I work at the interface of marine ecology, conservation, outreach, and policy.  My work focuses on seabirds, […]
Aparajita Datta
I do not view myself as a true blue ornithologist but I do work on hornbills – conspicuous forest birds. My t […]
Bhoj Kumar Acharya
I am currently working at the Department of Zoology, Sikkim University. I have been undertaking research on e […]
Ghazala Shahabuddin
My students, colleagues and I work mainly on anthropogenic impacts on forests and forest bird communities, wi […]
Girish Jathar
Eastern Himalaya - We are looking at impact of climate change on two bird groups (Finches and Pheasants) in c […]
Gopinathan Maheswaran
I have been working on the ecology of long-legged wading birds especially storks and herons in north and nort […]
Jaydev Mandal
While studying the birds, I have developed interest in many aspects of Ornithology starting from their life h […]
Jeganathan Pandiyan
I am focusing research on migratory, resident migratory and resident waterbirds and shorebirds in the aspects […]
Kaleem Ahmed
My interests range from birds in urban and semi-urban ecosystems to biodiversity assessment and rare and enda […]
Kartik Shanker
I am not an ornithologist, but we do study birds. We are interested in the community ecology and behaviour of […]
Kulbhushansingh Suryawanshi
My interests are very wide ranging from birds in urban ecosystems to rare and endangered species. I use quant […]
Malvika Onial
Studying relationships between human activities and biodiversity, bird ecology, urban ecology and environment […]
Manchi Shirish S.
Most of my research work is related to the conservation of island birds. I prefer conducting autecological re […]
Manjari Jain
The primary focus of my research is to understand evolution of acoustic signals. Complexity in bird vocalisat […]
Monica Kaushik
I am interested in understanding the correlates of bird communities in urban areas, mainly urban green spaces […]
Mousumi Ghosh
My primary interest lies in understanding the correlates of distribution of bird communities across environme […]
Nameer PO
Our lab primarily works on the natural history and biogeography of the birds of the southern Indian region, p […]
Narayan Sharma
My research interests lie broadly in the field of ecology, conservation biology, primatology, ecological peda […]
Nawin K. Tiwary
My group has been actively involved in ecological and biodiversity research with a special interest in the ev […]