
Showing 1 - 6 of 6
Aparajita Datta
I do not view myself as a true blue ornithologist but I do work on hornbills – conspicuous forest birds. My t […]
Kaleem Ahmed
My interests range from birds in urban and semi-urban ecosystems to biodiversity assessment and rare and enda […]
Kulbhushansingh Suryawanshi
My interests are very wide ranging from birds in urban ecosystems to rare and endangered species. I use quant […]
Nishant Kumar
I deal with life-worlds in South Asia like kites, dogs, monkeys and livestock that interact with people. By s […]
Peroth Balakrishnan
My lab work on various aspects of wildlife biology. We are interested in avian life history evolution, breedi […]
Tsewang Namgail
I work on the ecology of birds and mammals in the high mountains of the Himalayas. My main interest lies in t […]